The porn

The porn

We will raise it from my point of view and also in the Christian part, the porn is something that is wearing mentally, I was a person addicted, during that time I did not understand the damage that was causing me both mentally and spiritually, I saw sex as a hobby for women as a sexual object, I did not look at them as a being that I loved, that I understood them, I looked for them because of their personality and way of being, I only thought about them to have sex if you listen to them and that’s where you get to see the porn, now let’s talk about our worst enemy “the me” if that sinful part, yourself that is your worst enemy, no one is taught to be angry right, nor be arrogant, that’s the meat the sin since since we are growing we sin both consciously and unconsciously do not let it catch you, do not let it control you.


Pray for God, do something that you love so that those memories do not come to your mind, stop them, do not let them grow, an example of mine is when I’m calm in my bed about to sleep and I remember a scene from a the porn film that you think happens? if I get up I see my cell phone and I begin to see that scene is not one after another and after another, in a few words the desire the bad thoughts are those that do not leave us in peace says in a biblical portion that we have the mind of Jesus so Take root of the word of God do not let your concupiscence catch you.

the porn
the porn
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