16:1-24 FINAL INSTRUCTIONS Plans for the collection (16:1-4) For many years Paul had been concerned for the poor Christians in Jerusalem, and he was always doing his best to help them (Acts 11:27-30; Gal 2:10). During his third missionary journey he...
9 types of angels recognized in biblical texts. Archangels are the most popular, but in the sacred scriptures there are many more whose functions were to protect man. “Above him were the seraphim, each of which had six wings: with two of...
In Luke 6:20-26 Jesus gave a teaching characterizing the lives of His disciples, whom He proclaimed to be those who are truly blessed by God. He spoke of the troubles they would endure, and He contrasted their lives with others who...
In the book of Isaiah, we find another promise of God’s mercy given to His people in return for the mercy they have shown to others. Speaking through the prophet, the Lord rebuked the house of Jacob for their superficial type...
In Psalm 41, David told of the mercy of God that is extended to those who have shown mercy to others. In the context of this psalm, we see that David was very ill, and he acknowledged that his present illness...