A. VERBS 1. antilego (ajntilevgw, 483), to contradict, to oppose, lit., to say against. It is translated as the verb to contradict in Luke 2:34; Titus 1: 9: In Romans 10:21 it is translated “contradictory”, literally, “contradictory”; Moulton and Milligan (Vocabulary) illustrate from the papyri “the strong meaning of antilego in Romans 10:21” to contradict “,” to oppose “., Which serves as aorist tension in # 1, is translated as” to contradict ” in Luke 21:15; “Say against” in Acts 4:14: See SAY A, No. 1. It is translated as “contradiction” in Hebrews 12: 3 and Jude 11: In these two passages it seems to imply resistance, although This meaning has been questioned by some, is confirmed by examples from the papyri (Moulton and Milligan, Vocabulary See Dispute C.