
Infallible (You can’t go wrong).

– The writers of the Bible were “infallible” when they wrote the word of God, although in their private life they were sinners or were wrong in many things, 2Pe 1:21.

– Peter and his successors, the popes, are infallible, because Peter was promised by Jesus in Matthew 16:19. Thus, the Pope is infallible when he speaks ex cathedra: (that is, to teach definitively) in matters of faith and morals, even if he is a sinner.

– The church is infallible when it meets in council, Matthew 18:18. Luke 10:16.

Someone or someone who cannot fail or make mistakes is designated as infallible. The word as such comes from the Latin infallibilis, which is formed with the suffix in, which translates as ‘in’, and fallibilis, which means ‘fallible’.

Therefore, an infallible person is one who cannot make a mistake, who never makes a mistake or takes a wrong step. Catholics, for example, believe that the Pope is infallible.

Infallible is also something safe or unsuccessful, that does not fail or is very reliable, either because it always gives the desired or expected result or because it never stops working correctly.