Category: Isaiah Commentary List
Attitudes towards ritual (66:1-6) This chapter continues the contrast between the majority of Israel who were the people of God in name only, and the godly minority who were …
God’s people: servants or rebels? (65:1-16) It was God’s desire that Israel seek him and enjoy his blessings, but instead the nation rebelled against him and stubbornly went its …
God’s holy anger (63:1-6) When Babylon made its last attack on Jerusalem (587 BC), Edom joined in, taking wicked delight in helping to destroy the Israelite nation. God’s messengers …
Good news for the exiles (61:1-62:12) God’s Spirit gives the prophet some good news to pass on to the Jews held captive in Babylon. They will be released to …
A glorious kingdom (60:1-22) In Chapters 60-62 the scene returns to Babylon, where the captive Israelites look forward to the return to their homeland and the reconstruction of their …