Micah 7 Commentary

Sin, repentance and forgiveness (7:1-20)

Speaking as one of the genuine believers in the nation, Micah confesses that God’s accusations are true. The prophet can find nothing to satisfy him in the life of the people as a whole. Judah as a nation is fruitless and of no use to God (7:1).

All around him Micah sees a society that is in a state of moral decay. Gang warfare is widespread, and law-breakers buy protection from judges. Rich businessmen and other influential persons bribe government officials to cooperate with them in their evil plans (2-3). Even the best of them cannot be trusted. Treachery and deceit are so widely practised that people cannot trust even their friends and relatives (4-6).

Those who remain faithful to God know that they are part of a nation that is doomed for judgment.

But they know also that somehow God will save the faithful (7). Micah acknowledges the justice of God’s punishment in allowing the people to be taken into captivity. Enemies may rejoice because of their conquest of Israel and Judah, but they themselves will in turn be conquered. Those among God’s people who have remained faithful to him will then return to their homeland (8-10). Jerusalem will be rebuilt, and people from other nations will return with the believing Jews to settle in the new Jerusalem. Other nations will then find that it is their turn to suffer devastation because of their sins (11-13).

In a concluding prayer Micah appeals to God, the great shepherd, to rescue, protect and feed his people. He asks that God will work miracles for them as he did in the time of Moses (14-15). People of other nations will no longer fight against Israel, but will humbly acknowledge God’s almighty power and submit to his rule (16-17).

These thoughts prompt a final expression of praise from Micah. No words can describe the excellencies of Israel’s God. He is a God of mercy, faithfulness and constant love, and only because of


these characteristics does he forgive the sins of his people. His punishment of them is temporary, but his forgiveness is eternal (18-20).