Raamah, greatness; thunder; some sort of evil | Rei, my shepherd; my companion; my friend |
Raamiah, thunder, or evil, from the Lord | Rekem, vain pictures; divers picture |
Rabbah, great; powerful; contentious | Remaliah, the exaltation of the Lord |
Rabbi, Rabboni, my master | Remmon, greatness; elevation; a pomegranate-tree |
Rabmag, who overthrows or destroys a multitude | Remphan, prepared; arrayed |
Rab-saris, chief of the eunuchs | Rephael, the physic or medicine of God |
Rab-shakeh, cup-bearer of the prince | Rephaiah, medicine or refreshment of the Lord |
Raca, worthless; good-for-nothing | Rehpaim, giants; physicians; relaxed |
Rachab, same as Rahab | Rephidim, beds; places of rest |
Rachal, to whisper; an embalmer | Resen, a bridle or bit |
Rachel, sheep | Reu, his friend; his shepherd |
Raddai, ruling; coming down | Reuben, who sees the son; the vision of the son |
Ragau, friend; shepherd | Reuel, the shepherd or friend of God |
Raguel, shepherd, or friend of God | Reumah, lofty; sublime |
Rahab, proud; quarrelsome (applied to Egypt) | Rezeph, pavement; burning coal |
Rahab, large; extended (name of a woman) | Rezin, good-will; messenger |
Raham, compassion; a friend | Rezon, lean; small; secret; prince |
Rakkath, empty; temple of the head | Rhegium, rupture; fracture |
Rakkon, vain; void; mountain of enjoyment | Rhesa, will; course |
Ram, elevated; sublime | Rhoda, a rose |
Ramah, same as Ram | Rhodes, same as Rhoda |
Ramath, Ramatha, raised; lofty | Ribai, strife |
Ramathaim-zophim, the two watch-towers | Riblah, quarrel; greatness to him |
Ramath-lehi, elevation of the jaw-bone | Rimmon, exalted; pomegranate |
Ramath-mizpeh, elevation of the watch-tower | Rinnah, song; rejoicing |
Ramiah, exaltation of the Lord | Riphath, remedy; medicine; release; pardon |
Ramoth, eminences; high places | Rissah, watering; distillation; dew |
Raphah, Raphu, relaxation; physic; comfort | Rithmah, juniper; noise |
Reaiah, vision of the Lord | Rizpah, bed; extension; a coal |
Reba, the fourth; a square; that lies or stoops down | Rogelim, a foot or footman |
Rebekah, fat; fattened; a quarrel appeased | Rohgah, filled or drunk with talk |
Rechab, square; chariot with team of four horses | Romamti-ezer, exaltation of help |
Reelaiah, shepherd or companion to the Lord | Roman, strong; powerful |
Regem, that stones or is stoned; purple | Rome, strength; power |
Regemmelech, he that stones the king; purple of the king | Rosh, the head; top, or beginning |
Rehabiah, breadth, or extent, of the Lord | Rufus, red |
Rehob, breadth; space; extent | Ruhamah, having obtained mercy |
Rehoboam, who sets the people at liberty | Rumah, exalted; sublime; rejected |
Rehoboth, spaces; places | Ruth, drunk; satisfied |
Rehum, merciful; compassionate | ----------------------------------------- |