2 Samuel 1 Commentary


Mourning for Saul and Jonathan (1:1-27)

David learnt of Saul’s death from one of Saul’s own men, an Amalekite who had become a citizen of Israel (1:1-4; see v. 13). The man clearly thought that by adding a few details to the story and by bringing Saul’s crown to David, he could win David’s favour (5-10; cf. 4:10).

As long as Saul lived, David had regarded him as the Lord’s anointed king and had consistently refused to harm him (cf. 1 Sam 24:6; 26:11). He therefore reacted with anger when the Amalekite claimed to have killed Saul, and ordered his swift execution (11-16).

In spite of all Saul’s hostility to him, David was generous to Saul in the song he composed in memory of him and his son Jonathan. David knew how the enemy Philistines would rejoice when they heard of Saul’s death, and he wished that the news could be kept from them (17-20). He cursed the place where Saul died (21), praised the bravery of Saul and Jonathan (22-23), and recalled the prosperity that Saul brought to the people (24). Most of all, he sorrowed over the loss of his true and faithful friend Jonathan (25-27).