
What is glorification according to the Bible?

There is a greater glory, a permanent glory that satisfies us much more, that awaits all the saints at the end of their spiritual pilgrimage. In the Bible it is known as “glorification.” Glorify is the term that Paul used in his “golden chain” of redemption:

For those he met before, he also predestined them to be adapted to the image of his Son, so that he would be the first-born among many brothers. Those whom he predestined, he also called; and those whom he called, these he also justified; and whom he justified, these he also glorified (Rom. 8: 29-30).

The doctrine of glorification refers to the moment when, at the second coming of Christ, true believers, both living and dead, will have a complete and definitive birth of their bodies and will reach their final state. The salvation of the elect will be completed. “For the perishable must clothe itself with corruption, and the mortal must clothe itself with immortality” (1 Cor. 15:53). In the end, death, the last enemy, will be eaten up in victory. The sanctification process has reached its goal.

Glorification is therefore the believer’s great hope for the future. God will make everything okay and keep it that way forever. But glorification is also a comfort in the present. In this fallen world where we suffer sin both within and without, it is a comfort to know that God is currently working to purify His saints and prepare them for His future glory. The believer in some way has already been glorified, sealed forever, a child of God forever.

How can you glorify God?

  • Accept the good news. …
  • Raise the almighty Lord. …
  • Bend down; kneel before the LORD our Creator.
  • Worship the Father in spirit “and” in truth: not in word or deed just because the Father seeks those who love him.