Israel’s conquest of Canaan under Joshua led to a new way of life for the Israelite people. One feature of this new way of life was a change in their domestic accommodation. Instead of being a wandering people who lived in tents and other temporary shelters, they were now a settled people who lived in houses (cf. Num 24:5; see TENT). The Israelites built some of these houses themselves, but others they took over from the Canaanites. Often the houses were grouped together in villages or towns, where a surrounding wall protected them against attack. Farmers went out of the town and farmed their fields during the day, and returned to the safety of their homes at night (Judg 9:42-45; 1 Sam 6:18; 1 Chron 27:25).
The Israelite house
An ancient Israelite house was usually rectangular in plan, two storeyed, made of either stones or bricks, and covered on the inside walls with plaster (Lev 14:40-42; cf. Exod 5:7). The house had to be built on a solid foundation, and the whole structure was held together by being built into huge stones at the corners of the building (Isa 28:16; Matt 7:24-27; 21:42; see CORNERSTONE). Outside the house, steps led up to the roof, which was a flat area used as a place to relax, sleep, pray and worship (Jer 32:29; Mark 2:4; 13:15; Acts 10:9). A railing or low wall around the edge of the roof prevented people from accidentally falling off (Deut 22:8). Inside the larger houses was a central courtyard where women did much of the cooking, washing and other household work. Water pots, jars and household utensils were usually kept in this courtyard (Isa 44:16; Jer 25:10; Ezek 24:3-5; Mark 7:4; Luke 22:55). People stored their family food and valuable possessions in the house, along with their farm tools and, at times, food for their animals (Judg 19:21). Windows were usually covered with lattice for security (Song of Songs 2:9). The upper floor of a house may have consisted of one large room or may have been divided into several smaller rooms. This upper floor was used for sleeping, for accommodating guests, or for holding large gatherings (Luke 22:12; Acts 1:12; 20:8). In most houses furniture was simple, consisting only of those articles that were necessary (2 Kings 4:10). The houses of the rich, by contrast, were furnished lavishly (Amos 3:15; 6:4-6).
Making good use of the house
God’s people are expected to use their houses, as they should use all things, for the glory of God (Col 3:17). The house should, above all, be a home, where children and adults can live together in a healthy and enjoyable family life (1 Tim 3:4,12; 5:14; see FAMILY). But Christians must not use their houses solely for their own benefit. Their houses should be places where other Christians can enjoy fellowship (Acts 2:46; 16:15,34; 21:8) and perhaps have regular meetings (Rom 16:5; 1 Cor 16:19; Col 4:15). They should use their houses to practise hospitality at all times – not just in entertaining friends, but in providing generous help and friendship to the lonely, the poor and the needy (Isa 58:7; Matt 25:35; Heb 13:2; see HOSPITALITY).