LUKE 7: 41-43
7:41 A creditor had two debtors: one owed him five hundred denarii and the other fifty; 7:42 and without having them with what they would pay, he forgave them both. Tell me, which one of them will love you the most? 7:43 Simon answered and said: I think the one who forgave the most. And he said to him: You have judged well.
The parable that Jesus gave to a Pharisee while they were eating, which was interrupted by a sinful woman who anointed their feet with perfume and also kissed them. When the Pharisee Simon saw the scene in amazement, he said within himself that if Jesus really was a prophet, he would know what kind of woman was touching him. But we cannot deceive Jesus, he knows our heart, if we are really sincere, Jesus told him the parable of the creditor and the debtors, and finally he asks which one of them will love him the most? The Pharisee responds terribly. “Who else did he forgive”, in the same way when we acknowledge before God the need for his forgiveness for the sins we have committed before his eyes, because if we live a life in addition to him, we live as we want, without taking the time to study. his word, pray, preach his word, we live in the same way as all those who do not know God, this woman realized her need for God and wanted to take care of Jesus in the best way and repent of the life she lived, she bowed before Jesus, that is why He said to the Pharisee “Because what I am telling you is that his many sins have been forgiven, because he loved much; but he who is a little forgiven, loves little ”, the Pharisee thought only of his external religiosity and was far from recognizing that the most important thing before God is to believe in Jesus, repent of sinful life and follow him for the rest. of their life. That is why he said to the Pharisee “Because what I am telling you is that his many sins have been forgiven, because he loved much; but he who is a little forgiven, loves little ”, the Pharisee thought only of his external religiosity and was far from recognizing that the most important thing before God is to believe in Jesus, repent of sinful life and follow him for the rest. of their life. That is why he said to the Pharisee “Because what I am telling you is that his many sins have been forgiven, because he loved much; but he who is a little forgiven, loves little ”, the Pharisee thought only of his external religiosity and was far from recognizing that the most important thing before God is to believe in Jesus, repent of sinful life and follow him for the rest. of their life.
May the grace of the Lord Jesus be with you all.
Tip: read Luke chapter 7.