Zechariah 10 Commentary

Problems of leadership (10:1-11:3)

At the time this prophecy was given, the temple had long been finished and life in Jerusalem was not as it had been previously. Zerubbabel and Joshua had apparently died, and without strong leadership the Jews drifted into the ungodly ways of neighbouring nations. Some were using idolatrous objects as magic charms, in the belief that these would bring good rains and good crops. Zechariah tells them to stop such practices and trust in God alone (10:1-2).

God is angry with Israel’s leaders, who have no concern for the people they rule. God will replace them with strong, stable, dependable leaders, who in God’s strength will overthrow the ruling power (3- 5). Jews who are still scattered throughout other lands will return to their homeland, where they will live in confidence and joy under God’s protection (6-7). The movement of people to the promised land will be like the migration from Egypt to Canaan in the time of Moses (8-11). In response to God’s grace his people will worship and obey him (12).

As for bad leaders, their judgment is certain, no matter how great and mighty they think themselves to be. They increase their power and wealth by oppressing the people without mercy, and therefore God will punish them without mercy. His judgment will be like a raging fire sweeping through the proud forests, where not even the strongest and fiercest animals will escape (11:1-3).