
Word Origin: (Latin lascivus.)

  • adj. It refers to lust or sensuality.
  • Who has this burden.
  • Irregular, smooth.

Propensity for carnal pleasures, excessive appetite for something

The word lascivious comes from the Latin lascivious (speckled or playful humor, a joking and funny spirit, and finally also incontinence and outbursts in morals, not only in sexual matters but in all areas). It is derived with a quality suffix «ia», on the adjective lascivus (playful, happy, determined, libertine), an adjective formed in turn with the suffix «ivus».

Feminine noun This term defines who has a propensity, tendency or propensity to carnal pleasures, it can also refer to uncontrolled sexual desire or lust, the inability to control libido and is directly related to shamelessness or eroticism. Unusual, excessive, or insufficient appetite for something.

Etymology: This vocabulary in its etymology is of Latin origin under the name lascivious.

Lewdness means the inability to control libido, which can lead to obsession.

A funny person looks at others pathologically or with sexual intentions.

For example: “They spent the two hours together until they teamed up in a passionate kiss to lose each other at night.”

The term is also related to shamelessness and lust.

Therefore, religions condemn fornication and associate it with wrong and sinful behavior.

From a broader point of view, lust is considered an excessive appetite for something; that is, it does not necessarily have to do with sexuality. In this way, it is possible to find the term in a materialistic context, denoting a person’s almost harmful desire for a commodity.

Definition. “The biblical meaning”: of lust is related to the carnal appetite, although it is also attributed to the desire to achieve any goal. This term appears in several biblical passages that for the most part make a clear reference to sexual desire.

We can find the word lust in some of these sections:

Mark 7: “theft, greed, malice, deceit, lust, envy, slander, pride, madness”
Romans 1: “And also men, leaving the natural use of women, inflamed in their lust for one another, committing shameful acts from man to man, and receiving retribution in themselves for their misdirection ”
Galatians 5:” And manifest are the works of the flesh, which are: adultery, fornication, filth, obscenity ”
What is lust? “lust”

According to the Spanish dictionary, it means lustful, libertine, incontinent and dishonest passions.

But what does the Bible tell us on this subject?

Let’s read in the book of Romans 13:13 that says: “Let us walk honestly as the day; not in gluttony and drunkenness, not in lust and lust, not in strife and envy »

Verse 14 says, “But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not supply the lusts of the flesh.”

Let’s go to 2 Corinthians 12:21 which tells us: “that when I return, God will humble me among you, and perhaps I will have to mourn for many of those who once sinned and did not repent of the filth, fornication and lust they committed »

Let’s go to 1 Timothy 4: 2 it tells us, “because of the hypocrisy of liars who, having seared their conscience”

Colossians 3: 5-7 tells us: “Then kill what is earthly in you: fornication, uncleanness, inordinate passions, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry.”

verse 6 says, “Things by which the wrath of God comes upon the children of disobedience.”

verse 7 says, “in which you also walked once, when you lived in them”

2 Timothy 2:22 tells couples: “Flee also youthful lusts, and seek justice, faith, love, and peace with those who call on the Lord with a pure heart.”

Synonym “lust”

Lust or sensuality:
lust, lust, sensuality, eroticism, lust, lust, lust, libidine, daring, lust.
example: “They accused him of looking at her with malice.”