Category: E
He first appears as the firstborn of Cain (who built a city he named Enoch to celebrate his birth). Enoch was the father of Irad, of Mechuael, of Methuselah, …
Elijah was an Old Testament prophet who served the northern kingdom of Israel around 900 B.C. His life is found in chapters 1. Con. 17 and 2. When 2. …
Elisha was a Hebrew prophet who lived in Israel in 850-800 BC. C. he was chosen to succeed the prophet Elijah during the reigns of kings Joram, Jehu, Jehoahaz …
There were a total of 10 plagues from the power of God in Egypt. Moses and Aaron asked Pharaoh to release the Israelites according to God’s request, and when …
Writings that wrote important documents. The author was an old copyist or well done. In the ancient Egyptian civilization, he was the main person, educated, expert in hieroglyphics and …