Eve Died is not registered
Eva was the first woman of humanity. God believed it to be adequate relief for Adam’s rib (Genesis 2:20-22). Eva was the mother of Cain, Abel, Set and other children whose names are not mentioned in the Bible.
Adán first announced that she would be called “mujer” (wife). This word is translated from the Hebrew ishah. Its meaning refers to the fact that it was taken by the man (Hebrew) (Genesis 2:23).
Only after the fall of man, when Adam and Eve disobeyed God, Adam named his wife Eve (Genesis 3:20). However, the meaning of the name Eva is quite controversial. The big problem is that the original language of which this name comes from is unknown. This means that the exact meaning of this name is unclear.
However, it is widely believed that the name Eva comes from the Hebrew word Hawah which means “life”, “giver of life” or “living” in the sense that she is the mother of all living beings.
The same discussion extends to the meaning and application of the term Hawah. Some scholars believe that the term is an earlier form of the word hayah, which means “living being”.
How many children did Adán and Eva have?
The most famous and common version is that Adán and Eva first gave birth to Caín and Abel, the famous brothers who faced the fratricide. If we pay attention to what Genesis says, the couple expelled from Edén had at least one more offspring: “Adán joined his wife and his son, whom he called Set, saying: God has given me another offspring instead of Abel, because Caín Without embargo, at the time of the Libro de los Jubileos (which is not considered canonical), there are new sons, including several wives, such as Awa and Azura.
Another fragment says that “After the birth of Seth, Adán . lived 800 years and had sons and daughters. This sentence confirms without going into detail the idea of Adán as the first priest of all the sons and daughters were very great.