Names with letter BNames with letter B
Baal, master; lordBeri, my son; my corn
Baalah, her idol; she that is governed or subdued; a spouseBeriah, in fellowship; in envy
Baalath, a rejoicing; our proud lordBerith, covenant
Baalath-beer, subjected pitBernice, one that brings victory
Baal-berith, idol of the covenantBerodach-baladan, the son of death
Baale, same as BaalathBerothai, wells; a cypress
Baal-gad, idol of fortune or felicityBerothath, of a well
Baal-hamon, who rules a crowdBesai, a despising; dirty
Baal-hermon, possessor of destruction or of a thing cursedBesodeiah, counsel of the Lord
Baali, my idol; lord over meBesor, glad news; incarnation
Baalim, idols; masters; false godsBetah, confidence
Baalis, a rejoicing; a proud lordBeten, belly
Baal-meon, idol or master of the houseBethabara, the house of confidence
Baal-peor, master of the openingBethanath, house of affliction
Baal-perazim, god of divisionsBethany, the house of song; the house of affliction
Baal-shalisha, the god that presides over three; the third idolBetharabah, house of sweet smell
Baal-tamar, master of the palm-treeBeth-aram, house of height
Baal-zebub, god of the flyBeth-aven, the house of vanity; of iniquity of trouble
Baal-zephon, the idol or possession of the north; hidden; secret Beth-azmaveth, house of death's strength
Baanah, in the answer; in afflictionBeth-baalmeon, an idol of the dwelling-place
Baara, a flame; purgingBeth-barah, the chosen house
Baaseiah, in making; in pressing togetherBeth-birei, the house of my Creator, the house of my health
Baasha, he that seeks, or lays wasteBeth-car, the house of the lamb
Babel, confusion; mixtureBeth-dagon, the house of corn, or of fish
Babylon, same as BabelBeth-diblathaim, house of dry figs
Baca, a mulberry-treeBeth-el, the house of God
Bahurim, choice; warlike; valiantBethemek, house of deepness
Bajith, a houseBether, division, or in the trial
Balaam, the ancient of the people; the destruction of the peopleBethesda, house of pity or mercy
Baladan, one without judgmentBeth-ezal, a neighbor's house
Balak, who lays waste or destroysBeth-gader, a house for a mouse
Bamah, an eminence or high placeBeth-gamul, house of recompense, or of the camel
Barabbas, son of shame, confusionBeth-haccerem, house of the vineyard
Barachel, that bows before GodBeth-haran, house of grace
Barachias, same as BarachelBeth-horon, house of wrath
Barak, thunder, or in vainBeth-lebaoth, house of lionesses
Barjesus, son of Jesus or JoshuaBeth-lehem, house of bread
Barjona, son of a Jona; of a doveBeth-marcaboth, house of bitterness wiped out
Barnabas, son of the prophet, or of consolationBeth-meon, house of the dwelling-place
Barsabas, son of return; son of restBeth-nimrah, house of rebellion
Bartholomew, a son that suspends the watersBeth-palet, house of expulsion
Bartimeus, son of the honorableBeth-pazzez, house of dividing asunder
Baruch, who is blessedBeth-peor, house of gaping, or opening
Barzillai, son of contempt; made of ironBethphage, house of my month, or of early figs
Bashan, in the tooth, in ivoryBeth-phelet, same as Beth-palet
Bashemath, perfumed; confusion of death; in desolationBeth-rapha, house of health
Bathsheba, the seventh daughter; the daughter of satietyBethsaida, house of fruits, or of food, or of snares
Bathsuha, same as BathshebaBethshan, Beth-shean, house of the tooth, or of ivory, or of sleep
Bealiah, the god of an idol; in an assemblyBeth-shemesh, house of the sun
Bealoth, cast underBethuel, filiation of God
Bebai, void, emptyBeth-zur, house of a rock
Becher, first begotten; first fruitsBetonim, bellies
Bechorath, first fruitsBeulah, married
Bedad, alone; solitaryBezai, eggs
Bedaiah, Bedeiah, the only LordBezaleel, in the shadow of God
Bedan, according to judgmentBezek, lightning; in the chains
Beeliada, an open idolBezer, vine branches
Beelzebub, same as BaalzebubBichri, first-born; first fruits
Beer, a wellBidkar, in compunction, or sharp pain
Beera, a well; declaringBigthan, in the press; giving meat
Beerelim, the well of Elim, or of rainsBigvai, in my body
Beeri, my wellBildad, old friendship
Beer-lahai-roi, the well of him that liveth and seeth meBileam, the ancient of the people; the devourer
Beeroth, wells; explainingBilgah, ancient countenance
Beersheba, the well of an oath; the seventh wellBilhah, Bilhan, who is old or confused
Behemoth, beasts Bilshan, in the tongue
Bekah, half a shekelBinea, son of the Lord
Belah, destroyingBinnui, building
Belial, wicked, worthlessBirsha, an evil; a son who beholds
Belshazzar, master of the treasureBishlam, in peace
Belteshazzar, who lays up treasures in secretBithiah, daughter of the Lord
Ben, a sonBithron, divisions
Benaiah, son of the LordBithynia, violent precipitation
Ben-ammi, son of my peopleBizjothjah, despite
Beneberak, sons of lightningBlastus, that buds or brings forth
Bene-jaakan, sons of sorrowBoanerges, son of thunder
Benhadad, son of Hadad, or noiseBoaz, or Booz, in strength
Benhail, son of strengthBocheru, the first born
Benhanan, son of graceBochim, the place of weeping; or of mulberry-trees
Benjamin, son of the right handBohan, in them
Benimi, our sonsBoskath, in poverty
Beno, his sonBoson, taking away
Benoni, son of my sorrow, or painBozez, mud; bog
Benzoheth, son of separationBozrah, in tribulation or distress
Beon, in afflictionBukki, void
Beor, burning; foolish; madBukkiah, the dissipation of the Lord
Bera, a well; declaringBul, old age; perishing
Berachah, blessing; bending the kneeBunah, building; understanding
Berachiah, speaking well of the LordBunni, building me
Beraiah, the choosing of the LordBuz, despised; plundered
Berea, heavy; weightyBuzi, my contempt
Bered, hail------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Names with letter A - ZNames with letter A - Z
Letter ALetter N
Letter BLetter O
Letter CLetter P
Letter DLetter Q
Letter ELetter R
Letter FLetter S
Letter GLetter T
Letter HLetter U
Letter ILetter V
Letter JLetter W
Letter KLetter X
Letter LLetter Y
Letter MLetter Z