Names with letter U and what they mean

Names with letter UNames with letter U
Ucal, power, prevalencyUriah, or Urijah, the Lord is my light or fire
Uel, desiring GodUriel, same as Uriah
Ulai, strength; fool; senselessUrim, lights; fires
Ulam, the porch; the court; their strength; their follyUthai, my iniquity
Ulla, elevation; leaf; young childUz, counsel; words
Ummah, darkened; covered; his peopleUzai, he
Unni, poor; afflicted; that answersUzal, wandering
Uphaz, pure gold; gold of Phasis or PisonUzzah, strength; goat
Upharsin, dividedUzzen-sherah, ear of the flesh
Ur, fire, light, a valleyUzzi, my strength; my kid
Urbane, courteousUzziah, Uzziel, the strength, or kid, of the Lord
Uri, my light, my fire-----------------------------------

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